Farmington Feed in 5: Week of March 18, 2024
Welcome to this week's episode of the Feed in 5 with your host, Caryn Hojnicki, the city's communication specialist. The Feed in 5 is a shorter version of the Farmington Feed, and it'll be a quick update of what's going on in the city of Farmington. Caryn?
Caryn:Hey, Farmington. Let's find out what's happening in your town.
Caryn:Are you ready for the ultimate gaming experience? Mark your your calendar for Tuesday, April 2nd at 6:30 PM for the Hyperspace Starcade video game truck. It's a mobile video game truck designed with a luxury limousine interior, complete with neon lights, full climate control, and 8 55- inch screens with individual sound bars. The truck comes with 300 multiplayer games to encourage players to play together, Giant Connect 4, and a game coach, who is there to make the game truck exceptionally fun. Cost is only $59 per player and includes 2 hours of play time. The truck will be at Rambling River Park in the west parking lot. This is for ages 6 and up.
Caryn:We are so glad our partnership will continue with the Open Door Pantry to offer fresh produce and pantry staples. The pop up pantry will be at the Rambling River Center on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 3 to 4:30 PM. This month, it'll be tomorrow, Tuesday, March 19th. Remember to bring your reusable bags.
Caryn:Registration is now open for summer parks and recreation programs. The summer issue of The Currents was recently delivered to homes, and it has all the summer programming you need, from music and movies in the park to geocaching, t ball, soccer, Muddy Waters art classes, water park camp, senior trips, and, of course, a fan favorite, the puppet wagon. Check out all those and more in the summer issue. Registration is available at webtrac. That's web, or in person at city hall or the Rambling River Center.
Caryn:In case you missed it, in the recent issue of The Currents, we announced that the city of Farmington will have a new and improved website launching in mid April. Holy minute. It will be mobile friendly, have tabbed calendars for events and meetings, quick links of most visited pages, and streamlined menus. You'll also be able to register to receive notifications of topics that you choose with the new notify me feature. Be on the lookout for the formal launch date announcement.
Caryn:Farmington Liquors will be holding another donation drive this April. The drive will benefit 2 causes, Canine Officer Smoke and Rambling River Park. Farmington's canine program is funded entirely by donations. It's up to us to support Officer Smoke and the great work he does for our community and those that surround us. Rambling River Park has many improvements slated for the coming years, one of which is an inclusive playground with poured in place rubber surfacing. Don't forget to round up next time you're at Farmington Liquors.
Caryn:And that's the Feed in 5. Remember, you can listen to all our podcasts, including the Farmington Feed and the Feed in 5 wherever you like to get your podcasts.