Farmington Feed in Five: Week of September 2, 2024
Hey, Farmington. It's Caryn here, bringing you the latest with the Feed in 5. Start your Saturday after the 1st week of school with 2 fabulous events. First off is the 7th annual Who Done it hike. It will be held Saturday, September 7th. Registration is at 9:30 AM, and the hike is at 10 AM. Play Sherlock Holmes by collecting clues, gathering information, and solving the mystery while also walking the trails at Ritter Farm Park in Lakeville. All ages welcome and dogs too. This event is provided in partnership with SORR, otherwise known as South of the River Recreators.
Caryn:Next up, go to Distad Park and Greenway. Bring a blanket, a cooler, and the bug spray, and join us for a fun night. Movie in the Park will be Saturday, September 7th, featuring Wonka. Kids dance will be performing at 5:30, and the movie will be shortly following. Movies in the park would not be possible without the generous donations from our sponsors, so thank you. This event is sponsored by Castle Rock Bank, Farmington Youth Hockey Association, Marshall Line, and VFW Post 7662.
Caryn:The parks and recreation department has continued their partnership with Muddy Waters Studio to bring you art programs. The first adult and kid class this month is on Sunday, September 8th from 12 to 2 PM with a theme of a football snack tray. The cost is only $85 per adult child couple.
Caryn:The Tiger Cub Pet Fest will be held immediately following the homecoming parade on Wednesday, September 11th. The new location is in the parking lot at 421 Walnut Street. Erin from DJAA Entertainment will be providing music and entertainment. Join us for this special homecoming event sponsored by Farmington Parks and Recreation and Farmington Area Community Ed.
Caryn:Join Farmington Liquors staff and various vendors at Celts Pub and Grill for a tasting event on Thursday, September 12th from 6 to 8 PM. This is an opportunity to sample products and preorder ones you like. Free admission for wine club members. An at will donation is requested for nonmembers. Additional drinks and appetizers are available for purchase. And don't forget to check out the latest Farmington Liquors specials video on our Facebook page.
Caryn:Remember to explore our website and follow us on social media for the latest updates on programs, events, notices, and more. Want more information sent to you? Sign up for notify me. This is where you can select topics on the website that you will be notified of via email and or text messages. Our newest category is weather hotline, where you'll be notified of weather cancellations. Visit and sign up today. And that's the Feed in 5.
Caryn:Subscribe to the Farmington Feed and the Feed in 5 wherever you like to get your podcasts.