Introducing the City of Farmington's new podcast, Farmington Feed. This podcast will feature city news and upcoming events, in a very digestible format.

Latest Episodes

Farmington Feed: Fire Recruitment and Fire Prevention

Our new Fire Marshal Heath Walker and Deputy Fire Chief Matt Brown sit down with Caryn to talk about the need for firefighters and Farmington's Firefighter Recruitment...

Farmington Feed: Naloxone Training

Caryn sits down with JJ (James Johnson, Jr.) from Dakota County Public Health for a serious topic...opioids and prevention. JJ wants to get the word out about a Naloxo...

Farmington Feed: Business Summit and Survey

Caryn welcomes Jared Scharpen, Director of Career Development at Inver Hills Community College, and Stephanie Aman, Economic Development Coordinator, to discuss the up...

Farmington Feed in 5: Week of January, 13, 2025

The Feed in Five is a shorter version of the Farmington Feed and it will be a quick update of what is going on in and around the City of Farmington. 1. Firefighter Rec...

Farmington Feed: Greening your Holidays

Violet Penman, Solid Waste & Recycling joins Caryn again, but this time it is to talk about Greening Your Holidays! How do you "green" your holidays? Listen in as Viol...

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